About Us

DCV precision Engineering LTD was established over 45 years ago, by Dennis Wright and his wife Carol. On their retirement, Andy White took over the business expanding the company to where it is today. 

DCV is based in Aldershot and has been for the last 10 years, moving here from Crondall where we had 2 manual mills,2 CNC mills,3 manual lathes, and 1 CNC lathe, all of which were used to produce high-precision components for the motorsport, oil and gas, filtration and aerospace industries.

Moving to Aldershot in April of 2012 the business expanded its premises and machinery even further adding 4 CNC Hurco mills and 1 CNC Haas lathe, plus a couple of new Colchester manual lathes and a manual mill, to further enhance our workshop we also added an Aberlink CMM measuring machine. With all the expansion, we had to hire more staff growing the company from 5 employees in 2012 to the 10 highly skilled engineers that currently work for DCV Precision, overseen by our Engineering Director David Taylor.

To complement this, we have an operations Director, Dawn Taylor quality manager Jack Rhodes a material handling operative alongside admin staff to support the engineers on
the shop floor.